A Legendary Challenge: The Madrid-Segovia MTB Race

Race Reports

A unique challenge, a legendary race spanning 117 kilometres with an elevation gain of 2,340 meters. The most demanding mountain bike event in central Spain retains its essence, attracting 2,000 bikers each year, each with their personal motivations and goals, striving for their finisher’s medal.

This emotional journey with mountain bikes began in the north of the capital. As the Madrid skyline painted the backdrop at dawn, the adventurers took their first pedal strokes. Ahead lay a route with a steady climb to Cercedilla, a neutral point where they could regain some strength before facing the greatest challenge of the Madrid-Segovia MTB: the Alto de los Leones. This 7-kilometer ascent, rising to 1,500 meters, is a formidable battle that

grows increasingly challenging as the summit approaches.

Once they conquered this obstacle, the bikers tackled a fast and technical descent through La Panera, already in the province of Segovia, followed by a grueling segment with the ancient city of Segovia emerging on the horizon.

Despite its adventurous spirit, the Madrid-Segovia MTB has a competitive side. Segovian Francisco Herrero (Flyz Orquin) clinched victory in the men’s race, completing the course to the timed finish line at Camino de Baterías, on the outskirts of Segovia, in a record time of 5h00:27. “I first participated in 2015, just aiming to finish. Since then, I’ve had great memories of this race. It got me hooked on biking. This year, I came with a different goal, and with my team’s help, I achieved the win,” said Francisco Herrero, who secured his victory on the climb to Puerto de los Leones. Joining him on the podium at the Segovia Aqueduct were 2022 winner Raúl Rodríguez and his teammate Juan Ignacio Pérez Martín.

In the women’s category, Belinda González was the fastest, finishing the race in 6h17:49. “The race is incredible because it has everything. It includes a fun descent and trails where you can really enjoy yourself. Combine that with a manageable climb, and for me, it’s the best mountain bike event I’ve done,” commented Belinda González at the finish line. Lydia Ruiz improved her position from last year to take second place, while Beatriz Hernández claimed third, despite starting in the second wave and lacking the reference of her rivals in the Madrid-Segovia MTB.

These participants represent just a fraction of the thousands of personal stories of perseverance and triumph in this event. Their happy faces at the finish line contrast with the exhaustion from their efforts, but seeing their finisher’s medals around their necks by the ancient Segovia Aqueduct, the emotions felt, and the beautiful landscapes enjoyed on their bikes, make the moments of weakness during the race worthwhile.